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BBSC Blue Nose
This race was held on January 22, 2011

Six hardy boat captains and crews braved the cold temperatures and 20 knot winds to participate in the Bluenose Race held on January 22.  Thank you Zack Kastl for running the race.  The standings were:

Yacht Skipper Rating Elapsed Seconds Corrected Time Time out of 1st Position
Vixen Laderbaugh 156 7937 2:12:17   1
Kahlua Duvall 213 8605 2:13:32.2 1:15.2 2
Diamond Hinely 213 8994 2:20:1.2 7:44.2 3
Tranquility Phillips 222 9265 2:22:58.6 10:41.6 4
Manana Nye 186 9182 2:27:50 15:33 5
Khaos Gwinnup 267 10704 2:39:9.6 26:52.6 6

For questions about BBSC PHRF Fleet Racing contact:

Neville Edenborough